This SQL allows appending to an existing table with the data from an another table.
INSERT INTO dbo.mytableTEST01 SELECT * FROM mytable
This SQL allows appending to an existing table with the data from an another table.
INSERT INTO dbo.mytableTEST01 SELECT * FROM mytable
I sometimes need to just simply copy a small table to compare it against another run of the same program or some other legitimate reason to copy a table.
This SQL allows creating a new table and populating it with the data from an existing table.
SELECT * INTO dbo.mytableTEST01 FROM (select * from mytable) G1
This SQL is helpful when searching for specific strings within SQL code. I have used this code to search in databases too many times to mention. It is especially helpful when looking at a legacy database that I have never looked at before when trying to find things.
SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM syscomments WHERE TEXT LIKE '%Outstanding orders confirmed %' ) ORDER BY NAME
I’ve always used the Microsoft SQL Management Studio Execution plan feature to visualize the query plan. However today I was experimenting with the SQL XML showplan statement to see if I could learn anything more about execution plans by looking more closely at the code. As soon as I saw the XML it occurred to me that I could use XSLT to convert the output to HTML similar to the way that the SQL Management studio did it. I was curious to try, but before I writing my own, I checked to see if anyone else did it already and found this on github:
So, to demonstrate I created a simple SQL using temp tables so that I could perform some very basic tests.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#header') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #header IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#detail') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #detail set nocount on create table #header ( order_no int, name varchar(30), email varchar(255), ) create table #detail ( order_no int, item varchar(30), item_code varchar(30) )
Insert some sample data
insert into #header (order_no,name,email) values (121,'Joe Blogs','') insert into #header (order_no,name,email) values (122,'Bill Smith','') insert into #detail (order_no,item,item_code) values (121,'Item 1','IT-001') insert into #detail (order_no,item,item_code) values (121,'Item 1','IT-002') insert into #detail (order_no,item,item_code) values (121,'Item 1','EV-003') insert into #detail (order_no,item,item_code) values (122,'Item 1','IT-001') insert into #detail (order_no,item,item_code) values (122,'Item 2','IT-002') insert into #detail (order_no,item,item_code) values (122,'Item 3','IT-003')
Turn on the SHOWPLAN_XML in SQL and run query to produce the XML.
SET SHOWPLAN_XML ON; go SELECT h.order_no , , , d.item , d.item_code FROM #header h JOIN #detail AS d ON h.order_no = d.order_no WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM #detail od WHERE od.item_code = 'EV-003' AND h.order_no = od.order_no ) GO SET SHOWPLAN_XML Off; GO
Then copy and paste the output XML data into a file and upload to the demo page that uses Justins HTML query plan visualizer library.